Source code for upsetplot.plotting

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

    import typing
except ImportError:
    import collections as typing

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib import patches

from .reformat import query, _get_subset_mask

# prevents ImportError on matplotlib versions >3.5.2
    from matplotlib.tight_layout import get_renderer

except ImportError:

def _process_data(df, sort_by, sort_categories_by, subset_size,
                  sum_over, min_subset_size=None, max_subset_size=None,
                  min_degree=None, max_degree=None, reverse=False):
    results = query(df, sort_by=sort_by, sort_categories_by=sort_categories_by,
                    subset_size=subset_size, sum_over=sum_over,
                    min_degree=min_degree, max_degree=max_degree)

    df =
    agg = results.subset_sizes
    totals = results.category_totals
    total = agg.sum()

    # add '_bin' to df indicating index in agg
    # XXX: ugly!
    def _pack_binary(X):
        X = pd.DataFrame(X)
        out = 0
        for i, (_, col) in enumerate(X.items()):
            out *= 2
            out += col
        return out

    df_packed = _pack_binary(df.index.to_frame())
    data_packed = _pack_binary(agg.index.to_frame())
    df['_bin'] = pd.Series(df_packed).map(
        pd.Series(np.arange(len(data_packed))[::-1 if reverse else 1],
    if reverse:
        agg = agg[::-1]

    return total, df, agg, totals

def _multiply_alpha(c, mult):
    r, g, b, a = colors.to_rgba(c)
    a *= mult
    return colors.to_hex((r, g, b, a), keep_alpha=True)

class _Transposed:
    """Wrap an object in order to transpose some plotting operations

    Attributes of obj will be mapped.
    Keyword arguments when calling obj will be mapped.

    The mapping is not recursive: callable attributes need to be _Transposed

    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.__obj = obj

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        return getattr(self.__obj, self._NAME_TRANSPOSE.get(key, key))

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.__obj(*args, **{self._NAME_TRANSPOSE.get(k, k): v
                                    for k, v in kwargs.items()})

        'width': 'height',
        'height': 'width',
        'hspace': 'wspace',
        'wspace': 'hspace',
        'hlines': 'vlines',
        'vlines': 'hlines',
        'bar': 'barh',
        'barh': 'bar',
        'xaxis': 'yaxis',
        'yaxis': 'xaxis',
        'left': 'bottom',
        'right': 'top',
        'top': 'right',
        'bottom': 'left',
        'sharex': 'sharey',
        'sharey': 'sharex',
        'get_figwidth': 'get_figheight',
        'get_figheight': 'get_figwidth',
        'set_figwidth': 'set_figheight',
        'set_figheight': 'set_figwidth',
        'set_xlabel': 'set_ylabel',
        'set_ylabel': 'set_xlabel',
        'set_xlim': 'set_ylim',
        'set_ylim': 'set_xlim',
        'get_xlim': 'get_ylim',
        'get_ylim': 'get_xlim',
        'set_autoscalex_on': 'set_autoscaley_on',
        'set_autoscaley_on': 'set_autoscalex_on',

def _transpose(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, str):
        return _Transposed._NAME_TRANSPOSE.get(obj, obj)
    return _Transposed(obj)

def _identity(obj):
    return obj

[docs]class UpSet: """Manage the data and drawing for a basic UpSet plot Primary public method is :meth:`plot`. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame Elements associated with categories (a DataFrame), or the size of each subset of categories (a Series). Should have MultiIndex where each level is binary, corresponding to category membership. If a DataFrame, `sum_over` must be a string or False. orientation : {'horizontal' (default), 'vertical'} If horizontal, intersections are listed from left to right. sort_by : {'cardinality', 'degree', None} If 'cardinality', subset are listed from largest to smallest. If 'degree', they are listed in order of the number of categories intersected. If None, the order they appear in the data input is used. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 Setting None was added. sort_categories_by : {'cardinality', None} Whether to sort the categories by total cardinality, or leave them in the provided order. .. versionadded:: 0.3 subset_size : {'auto', 'count', 'sum'} Configures how to calculate the size of a subset. Choices are: 'auto' (default) If `data` is a DataFrame, count the number of rows in each group, unless `sum_over` is specified. If `data` is a Series with at most one row for each group, use the value of the Series. If `data` is a Series with more than one row per group, raise a ValueError. 'count' Count the number of rows in each group. 'sum' Sum the value of the `data` Series, or the DataFrame field specified by `sum_over`. sum_over : str or None If `subset_size='sum'` or `'auto'`, then the intersection size is the sum of the specified field in the `data` DataFrame. If a Series, only None is supported and its value is summed. min_subset_size : int, optional Minimum size of a subset to be shown in the plot. All subsets with a size smaller than this threshold will be omitted from plotting. Size may be a sum of values, see `subset_size`. .. versionadded:: 0.5 max_subset_size : int, optional Maximum size of a subset to be shown in the plot. All subsets with a size greater than this threshold will be omitted from plotting. .. versionadded:: 0.5 min_degree : int, optional Minimum degree of a subset to be shown in the plot. .. versionadded:: 0.5 max_degree : int, optional Maximum degree of a subset to be shown in the plot. .. versionadded:: 0.5 facecolor : 'auto' or matplotlib color or float Color for bar charts and active dots. Defaults to black if axes.facecolor is a light color, otherwise white. .. versionchanged:: 0.6 Before 0.6, the default was 'black' other_dots_color : matplotlib color or float Color for shading of inactive dots, or opacity (between 0 and 1) applied to facecolor. .. versionadded:: 0.6 shading_color : matplotlib color or float Color for shading of odd rows in matrix and totals, or opacity (between 0 and 1) applied to facecolor. .. versionadded:: 0.6 with_lines : bool Whether to show lines joining dots in the matrix, to mark multiple categories being intersected. element_size : float or None Side length in pt. If None, size is estimated to fit figure intersection_plot_elements : int The intersections plot should be large enough to fit this many matrix elements. Set to 0 to disable intersection size bars. .. versionchanged:: 0.4 Setting to 0 is handled. totals_plot_elements : int The totals plot should be large enough to fit this many matrix elements. show_counts : bool or str, default=False Whether to label the intersection size bars with the cardinality of the intersection. When a string, this formats the number. For example, '%d' is equivalent to True. show_percentages : bool, default=False Whether to label the intersection size bars with the percentage of the intersection relative to the total dataset. This may be applied with or without show_counts. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ _default_figsize = (10, 6) def __init__(self, data, orientation='horizontal', sort_by='degree', sort_categories_by='cardinality', subset_size='auto', sum_over=None, min_subset_size=None, max_subset_size=None, min_degree=None, max_degree=None, facecolor='auto', other_dots_color=.18, shading_color=.05, with_lines=True, element_size=32, intersection_plot_elements=6, totals_plot_elements=2, show_counts='', show_percentages=False): self._horizontal = orientation == 'horizontal' self._reorient = _identity if self._horizontal else _transpose if facecolor == 'auto': bgcolor = matplotlib.rcParams.get('axes.facecolor', 'white') r, g, b, a = colors.to_rgba(bgcolor) lightness = colors.rgb_to_hsv((r, g, b))[-1] * a facecolor = 'black' if lightness >= .5 else 'white' self._facecolor = facecolor self._shading_color = (_multiply_alpha(facecolor, shading_color) if isinstance(shading_color, float) else shading_color) self._other_dots_color = (_multiply_alpha(facecolor, other_dots_color) if isinstance(other_dots_color, float) else other_dots_color) self._with_lines = with_lines self._element_size = element_size self._totals_plot_elements = totals_plot_elements self._subset_plots = [{'type': 'default', 'id': 'intersections', 'elements': intersection_plot_elements}] if not intersection_plot_elements: self._subset_plots.pop() self._show_counts = show_counts self._show_percentages = show_percentages (, self._df, self.intersections, self.totals) = _process_data(data, sort_by=sort_by, sort_categories_by=sort_categories_by, subset_size=subset_size, sum_over=sum_over, min_subset_size=min_subset_size, max_subset_size=max_subset_size, min_degree=min_degree, max_degree=max_degree, reverse=not self._horizontal) self.subset_styles = [{"facecolor": facecolor} for i in range(len(self.intersections))] self.subset_legend = [] # pairs of (style, label) def _swapaxes(self, x, y): if self._horizontal: return x, y return y, x
[docs] def style_subsets(self, present=None, absent=None, min_subset_size=None, max_subset_size=None, min_degree=None, max_degree=None, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, hatch=None, linewidth=None, linestyle=None, label=None): """Updates the style of selected subsets' bars and matrix dots Parameters are either used to select subsets, or to style them with attributes of :class:`matplotlib.patches.Patch`, apart from label, which adds a legend entry. Parameters ---------- present : str or list of str, optional Category or categories that must be present in subsets for styling. absent : str or list of str, optional Category or categories that must not be present in subsets for styling. min_subset_size : int, optional Minimum size of a subset to be styled. max_subset_size : int, optional Maximum size of a subset to be styled. min_degree : int, optional Minimum degree of a subset to be styled. max_degree : int, optional Maximum degree of a subset to be styled. facecolor : str or matplotlib color, optional Override the default UpSet facecolor for selected subsets. edgecolor : str or matplotlib color, optional Set the edgecolor for bars, dots, and the line between dots. hatch : str, optional Set the hatch. This will apply to intersection size bars, but not to matrix dots. linewidth : int, optional Line width in points for edges. linestyle : str, optional Line style for edges. label : str, optional If provided, a legend will be added """ style = {"facecolor": facecolor, "edgecolor": edgecolor, "hatch": hatch, "linewidth": linewidth, "linestyle": linestyle} style = {k: v for k, v in style.items() if v is not None} mask = _get_subset_mask(self.intersections, present=present, absent=absent, min_subset_size=min_subset_size, max_subset_size=max_subset_size, min_degree=min_degree, max_degree=max_degree) for idx in np.flatnonzero(mask): self.subset_styles[idx].update(style) if label is not None: if "facecolor" not in style: style["facecolor"] = self._facecolor for i, (other_style, other_label) in enumerate(self.subset_legend): if other_style == style: if other_label != label: self.subset_legend[i] = (style, other_label + '; ' + label) break else: self.subset_legend.append((style, label))
def _plot_bars(self, ax, data, title, colors=None, use_labels=False): ax = self._reorient(ax) ax.set_autoscalex_on(False) data_df = pd.DataFrame(data) if self._horizontal: data_df = data_df.loc[:, ::-1] # reverse: top row is top of stack # TODO: colors should be broadcastable to data_df shape if callable(colors): colors = colors(range(data_df.shape[1])) elif isinstance(colors, (str, type(None))): colors = [colors] * len(data_df) if self._horizontal: colors = reversed(colors) x = np.arange(len(data_df)) cum_y = None all_rects = [] for (name, y), color in zip(data_df.items(), colors): rects =, y, .5, cum_y, color=color, zorder=10, label=name if use_labels else None, align='center') cum_y = y if cum_y is None else cum_y + y all_rects.extend(rects) self._label_sizes(ax, rects, 'top' if self._horizontal else 'right') ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) for x in ['top', 'bottom', 'right']: ax.spines[self._reorient(x)].set_visible(False) tick_axis = ax.yaxis tick_axis.grid(True) ax.set_ylabel(title) return all_rects def _plot_stacked_bars(self, ax, by, sum_over, colors, title): df = self._df.set_index("_bin").set_index(by, append=True, drop=False) gb = df.groupby(level=list(range(df.index.nlevels)), sort=True) if sum_over is None and "_value" in df.columns: data = gb["_value"].sum() elif sum_over is None: data = gb.size() else: data = gb[sum_over].sum() data = data.unstack(by).fillna(0) if isinstance(colors, str): colors = elif isinstance(colors, typing.Mapping): colors = if pd.isna(colors).any(): raise KeyError("Some labels mapped by colors: %r" % data.columns[pd.isna(colors)].tolist()) self._plot_bars(ax, data=data, colors=colors, title=title, use_labels=True) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if self._horizontal: # Make legend order match visual stack order ax.legend(reversed(handles), reversed(labels)) else: ax.legend()
[docs] def add_stacked_bars(self, by, sum_over=None, colors=None, elements=3, title=None): """Add a stacked bar chart over subsets when :func:`plot` is called. Used to plot categorical variable distributions within each subset. .. versionadded:: 0.6 Parameters ---------- by : str Column name within the dataframe for color coding the stacked bars, containing discrete or categorical values. sum_over : str, optional Ordinarily the bars will chart the size of each group. sum_over may specify a column which will be summed to determine the size of each bar. colors : Mapping, list-like, str or callable, optional The facecolors to use for bars corresponding to each discrete label, specified as one of: Mapping Maps from label to matplotlib-compatible color specification. list-like A list of matplotlib colors to apply to labels in order. str The name of a matplotlib colormap name. callable When called with the number of labels, this should return a list-like of that many colors. Matplotlib colormaps satisfy this callable API. None Uses the matplotlib default colormap. elements : int, default=3 Size of the axes counted in number of matrix elements. title : str, optional The axis title labelling bar length. Returns ------- None """ # TODO: allow sort_by = {"lexical", "sum_squares", "rev_sum_squares", # list of labels} self._subset_plots.append({'type': 'stacked_bars', 'by': by, 'sum_over': sum_over, 'colors': colors, 'title': title, 'id': 'extra%d' % len(self._subset_plots), 'elements': elements})
[docs] def add_catplot(self, kind, value=None, elements=3, **kw): """Add a seaborn catplot over subsets when :func:`plot` is called. Parameters ---------- kind : str One of {"point", "bar", "strip", "swarm", "box", "violin", "boxen"} value : str, optional Column name for the value to plot (i.e. y if orientation='horizontal'), required if `data` is a DataFrame. elements : int, default=3 Size of the axes counted in number of matrix elements. **kw : dict Additional keywords to pass to :func:`seaborn.catplot`. Our implementation automatically determines 'ax', 'data', 'x', 'y' and 'orient', so these are prohibited keys in `kw`. Returns ------- None """ assert not set(kw.keys()) & {'ax', 'data', 'x', 'y', 'orient'} if value is None: if '_value' not in self._df.columns: raise ValueError('value cannot be set if data is a Series. ' 'Got %r' % value) else: if value not in self._df.columns: raise ValueError('value %r is not a column in data' % value) self._subset_plots.append({'type': 'catplot', 'value': value, 'kind': kind, 'id': 'extra%d' % len(self._subset_plots), 'elements': elements, 'kw': kw})
def _check_value(self, value): if value is None and '_value' in self._df.columns: value = '_value' elif value is None: raise ValueError('value can only be None when data is a Series') return value def _plot_catplot(self, ax, value, kind, kw): df = self._df value = self._check_value(value) kw = kw.copy() if self._horizontal: kw['orient'] = 'v' kw['x'] = '_bin' kw['y'] = value else: kw['orient'] = 'h' kw['x'] = value kw['y'] = '_bin' import seaborn kw['ax'] = ax getattr(seaborn, kind + 'plot')(data=df, **kw) ax = self._reorient(ax) if value == '_value': ax.set_ylabel('') ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) for x in ['top', 'bottom', 'right']: ax.spines[self._reorient(x)].set_visible(False) tick_axis = ax.yaxis tick_axis.grid(True)
[docs] def make_grid(self, fig=None): """Get a SubplotSpec for each Axes, accounting for label text width """ n_cats = len(self.totals) n_inters = len(self.intersections) if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() # Determine text size to determine figure size / spacing text_kw = {"size": matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize']} # adding "x" ensures a margin t = fig.text(0, 0, '\n'.join(str(label) + "x" for label in self.totals.index.values), **text_kw) window_extent_args = {} if RENDERER_IMPORTED: window_extent_args["renderer"] = get_renderer(fig) textw = t.get_window_extent(**window_extent_args).width t.remove() window_extent_args = {} if RENDERER_IMPORTED: window_extent_args["renderer"] = get_renderer(fig) figw = self._reorient( fig.get_window_extent(**window_extent_args)).width sizes = np.asarray([p['elements'] for p in self._subset_plots]) fig = self._reorient(fig) non_text_nelems = len(self.intersections) + self._totals_plot_elements if self._element_size is None: colw = (figw - textw) / non_text_nelems else: render_ratio = figw / fig.get_figwidth() colw = self._element_size / 72 * render_ratio figw = colw * (non_text_nelems + np.ceil(textw / colw) + 1) fig.set_figwidth(figw / render_ratio) fig.set_figheight((colw * (n_cats + sizes.sum())) / render_ratio) text_nelems = int(np.ceil(figw / colw - non_text_nelems)) # print('textw', textw, 'figw', figw, 'colw', colw, # 'ncols', figw/colw, 'text_nelems', text_nelems) GS = self._reorient(matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec) gridspec = GS(*self._swapaxes(n_cats + (sizes.sum() or 0), n_inters + text_nelems + self._totals_plot_elements), hspace=1) if self._horizontal: out = {'matrix': gridspec[-n_cats:, -n_inters:], 'shading': gridspec[-n_cats:, :], 'totals': gridspec[-n_cats:, :self._totals_plot_elements], 'gs': gridspec} cumsizes = np.cumsum(sizes[::-1]) for start, stop, plot in zip(np.hstack([[0], cumsizes]), cumsizes, self._subset_plots[::-1]): out[plot['id']] = gridspec[start:stop, -n_inters:] else: out = {'matrix': gridspec[-n_inters:, :n_cats], 'shading': gridspec[:, :n_cats], 'totals': gridspec[:self._totals_plot_elements, :n_cats], 'gs': gridspec} cumsizes = np.cumsum(sizes) for start, stop, plot in zip(np.hstack([[0], cumsizes]), cumsizes, self._subset_plots): out[plot['id']] = \ gridspec[-n_inters:, start + n_cats:stop + n_cats] return out
[docs] def plot_matrix(self, ax): """Plot the matrix of intersection indicators onto ax """ ax = self._reorient(ax) data = self.intersections n_cats = data.index.nlevels inclusion = data.index.to_frame().values # Prepare styling styles = [ [ self.subset_styles[i] if inclusion[i, j] else {"facecolor": self._other_dots_color, "linewidth": 0} for j in range(n_cats) ] for i in range(len(data)) ] styles = sum(styles, []) # flatten nested list style_columns = {"facecolor": "facecolors", "edgecolor": "edgecolors", "linewidth": "linewidths", "linestyle": "linestyles", "hatch": "hatch"} styles = pd.DataFrame(styles).reindex(columns=style_columns.keys()) styles["linewidth"].fillna(1, inplace=True) styles["facecolor"].fillna(self._facecolor, inplace=True) styles["edgecolor"].fillna(styles["facecolor"], inplace=True) styles["linestyle"].fillna("solid", inplace=True) del styles["hatch"] # not supported in matrix (currently) x = np.repeat(np.arange(len(data)), n_cats) y = np.tile(np.arange(n_cats), len(data)) # Plot dots if self._element_size is not None: s = (self._element_size * .35) ** 2 else: # TODO: make s relative to colw s = 200 ax.scatter(*self._swapaxes(x, y), s=s, zorder=10, **styles.rename(columns=style_columns)) # Plot lines if self._with_lines: idx = np.flatnonzero(inclusion) line_data = (pd.Series(y[idx], index=x[idx]) .groupby(level=0) .aggregate(['min', 'max'])) colors = pd.Series([ style.get("edgecolor", style.get("facecolor", self._facecolor)) for style in self.subset_styles], name="color") line_data = line_data.join(colors) ax.vlines(line_data.index.values, line_data['min'], line_data['max'], lw=2, colors=line_data["color"], zorder=5) # Ticks and axes tick_axis = ax.yaxis tick_axis.set_ticks(np.arange(n_cats)) tick_axis.set_ticklabels(data.index.names, rotation=0 if self._horizontal else -90) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', length=0) if not self._horizontal: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('top') ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_xlim(-.5, x[-1] + .5, auto=False) ax.grid(False)
[docs] def plot_intersections(self, ax): """Plot bars indicating intersection size """ rects = self._plot_bars(ax, self.intersections, title='Intersection size', colors=self._facecolor) for style, rect in zip(self.subset_styles, rects): style = style.copy() style.setdefault("edgecolor", style.get("facecolor", self._facecolor)) for attr, val in style.items(): getattr(rect, "set_" + attr)(val) if self.subset_legend: styles, labels = zip(*self.subset_legend) styles = [patches.Patch(**patch_style) for patch_style in styles] ax.legend(styles, labels)
def _label_sizes(self, ax, rects, where): if not self._show_counts and not self._show_percentages: return if self._show_counts is True: count_fmt = "%d" else: count_fmt = self._show_counts if self._show_percentages is True: pct_fmt = "%.1f%%" else: pct_fmt = self._show_percentages if count_fmt and pct_fmt: if where == 'top': fmt = '%s\n(%s)' % (count_fmt, pct_fmt) else: fmt = '%s (%s)' % (count_fmt, pct_fmt) def make_args(val): return val, 100 * val / elif count_fmt: fmt = count_fmt def make_args(val): return val, else: fmt = pct_fmt def make_args(val): return 100 * val /, if where == 'right': margin = 0.01 * abs(np.diff(ax.get_xlim())) for rect in rects: width = rect.get_width() + rect.get_x() ax.text(width + margin, rect.get_y() + rect.get_height() * .5, fmt % make_args(width), ha='left', va='center') elif where == 'left': margin = 0.01 * abs(np.diff(ax.get_xlim())) for rect in rects: width = rect.get_width() + rect.get_x() ax.text(width + margin, rect.get_y() + rect.get_height() * .5, fmt % make_args(width), ha='right', va='center') elif where == 'top': margin = 0.01 * abs(np.diff(ax.get_ylim())) for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() + rect.get_y() ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() * .5, height + margin, fmt % make_args(height), ha='center', va='bottom') else: raise NotImplementedError('unhandled where: %r' % where)
[docs] def plot_totals(self, ax): """Plot bars indicating total set size """ orig_ax = ax ax = self._reorient(ax) rects = ax.barh(np.arange(len(self.totals.index.values)), self.totals, .5, color=self._facecolor, align='center') self._label_sizes(ax, rects, 'left' if self._horizontal else 'top') max_total = self.totals.max() if self._horizontal: orig_ax.set_xlim(max_total, 0) for x in ['top', 'left', 'right']: ax.spines[self._reorient(x)].set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) ax.xaxis.grid(True) ax.yaxis.grid(False) ax.patch.set_visible(False)
def plot_shading(self, ax): # alternating row shading (XXX: use add_patch(Rectangle)?) for i in range(0, len(self.totals), 2): rect = plt.Rectangle(self._swapaxes(0, i - .4), *self._swapaxes(*(1, .8)), facecolor=self._shading_color, lw=0, zorder=0) ax.add_patch(rect) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.tick_params( axis='both', which='both', left=False, right=False, bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) ax.grid(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([])
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None): """Draw all parts of the plot onto fig or a new figure Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional Defaults to a new figure. Returns ------- subplots : dict of matplotlib.axes.Axes Keys are 'matrix', 'intersections', 'totals', 'shading' """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=self._default_figsize) specs = self.make_grid(fig) shading_ax = fig.add_subplot(specs['shading']) self.plot_shading(shading_ax) matrix_ax = self._reorient(fig.add_subplot)(specs['matrix'], sharey=shading_ax) self.plot_matrix(matrix_ax) totals_ax = self._reorient(fig.add_subplot)(specs['totals'], sharey=matrix_ax) self.plot_totals(totals_ax) out = {'matrix': matrix_ax, 'shading': shading_ax, 'totals': totals_ax} for plot in self._subset_plots: ax = self._reorient(fig.add_subplot)(specs[plot['id']], sharex=matrix_ax) if plot['type'] == 'default': self.plot_intersections(ax) elif plot['type'] in self.PLOT_TYPES: kw = plot.copy() del kw['type'] del kw['elements'] del kw['id'] self.PLOT_TYPES[plot['type']](self, ax, **kw) else: raise ValueError('Unknown subset plot type: %r' % plot['type']) out[plot['id']] = ax return out
PLOT_TYPES = { 'catplot': _plot_catplot, 'stacked_bars': _plot_stacked_bars, } def _repr_html_(self): fig = plt.figure(figsize=self._default_figsize) self.plot(fig=fig) return fig._repr_html_()
[docs]def plot(data, fig=None, **kwargs): """Make an UpSet plot of data on fig Parameters ---------- data : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame Values for each set to plot. Should have multi-index where each level is binary, corresponding to set membership. If a DataFrame, `sum_over` must be a string or False. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional Defaults to a new figure. kwargs Other arguments for :class:`UpSet` Returns ------- subplots : dict of matplotlib.axes.Axes Keys are 'matrix', 'intersections', 'totals', 'shading' """ return UpSet(data, **kwargs).plot(fig)