
What’s new in version 0.9

  • Fixes a bug where show_percentages used the incorrect denominator if filtering (e.g. min_subset_size) was applied. This bug was a regression introduced in version 0.7. (#248)
  • Align ylabels of subplots added using add_catplot. (#266)
  • Add a style_categories method to customize category plot styles, including shading of rows in the intersection matrix, and bars in the totals plot. (#261 with thanks to Marcel Albus).
  • Ability to disable totals plot with totals_plot_elements=0. (#246)
  • Ability to set totals y axis label (#243)
  • Added max_subset_rank to get only n most populous subsets. (#253)
  • Added support for min_subset_size and max_subset_size specified as percentage. (#264)

What’s new in version 0.8

  • Allowed show_percentages to be provided with a custom formatting string, for example to show more decimal places. (#194)
  • Added include_empty_subsets to UpSet and query to allow the display of all possible subsets. (#185)
  • sort_by and sort_categories_by now accept ‘-’ prefix to their values to sort in reverse. ‘input’ and ‘-input’ are also supported. (#180)
  • Added subsets attribute to QueryResult. (#198)
  • Fixed a bug where more than 64 categories could result in an error. (#193)

Patch release 0.8.2 handles deprecations in dependencies.

What’s new in version 0.7

  • Added query function to support analysing set-based data.
  • Fixed support for matplotlib >3.5.2 (#191. Thanks @GuyTeichman)

What’s new in version 0.6

  • Added add_stacked_bars, similar to add_catplot but to add stacked bar charts to show discrete variable distributions within each subset. (#137)
  • Improved ability to control colors, and added a new example of same. Parameters other_dots_color and shading_color were added. facecolor will now default to white if matplotlib.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] is dark. (#138)
  • Added style_subsets to colour intersection size bars and matrix dots in the plot according to a specified query. (#152)
  • Added from_indicators to allow yet another data input format. This allows category membership to be easily derived from a DataFrame, such as when plotting missing values in the columns of a DataFrame. (#143)

What’s new in version 0.5

  • Support using input intersection order with sort_by=None (#133 with thanks to Brandon B).
  • Add parameters for filtering by subset size (with thanks to Sichong Peng) and degree. (#134)
  • Fixed an issue where tick labels were not given enough space and overlapped category totals. (#132)
  • Fixed an issue where our implementation of sort_by='degree' apparently gave incorrect results for some inputs and versions of Pandas. (#134)

What’s new in version 0.4.4

  • Fixed a regresion which caused the first column to be hidden (#125)

What’s new in version 0.4.3

  • Fixed issue with the order of catplots being reversed for vertical plots (#122 with thanks to Enrique Fernandez-Blanco)
  • Fixed issue with the x limits of vertical plots (#121).

What’s new in version 0.4.2

  • Fixed large x-axis plot margins with high number of unique intersections (#106 with thanks to Yidi Huang)

What’s new in version 0.4.1

  • Fixed the calculation of percentage which was broken in 0.4.0. (#101)

What’s new in version 0.4

  • Added option to display both the absolute frequency and the percentage of the total for each intersection and category. (#89 with thanks to Carlos Melus and Aaron Rosenfeld)
  • Improved efficiency where there are many categories, but valid combinations are sparse, if sort_by='degree'. (#82)
  • Permit truthy (not necessarily bool) values in index. (#74 with thanks to @ZaxR)
  • intersection_plot_elements can now be set to 0 to hide the intersection size plot when add_catplot is used. (#80)

What’s new in version 0.3

  • Added from_contents to provide an alternative, intuitive way of specifying category membership of elements.
  • To improve code legibility and intuitiveness, sum_over=False was deprecated and a subset_size parameter was added. It will have better default handling of DataFrames after a short deprecation period.
  • generate_data has been replaced with generate_counts and generate_samples.
  • Fixed the display of the “intersection size” label on plots, which had been missing.
  • Trying to improve nomenclature, upsetplot now avoids “set” to refer to the top-level sets, which are now to be known as “categories”. This matches the intuition that categories are named, logical groupings, as opposed to “subsets”. To this end:
    • generate_counts (formerly generate_data) now names its categories “cat1”, “cat2” etc. rather than “set1”, “set2”, etc.
    • the sort_sets_by parameter has been renamed to sort_categories_by and will be removed in version 0.4.

What’s new in version 0.2.1

  • Return a Series (not a DataFrame) from from_memberships if data is 1-dimensional.

What’s new in version 0.2

  • Added from_memberships to allow a more convenient data input format.
  • plot and UpSet now accept a pandas.DataFrame as input, if the sum_over parameter is also given.
  • Added an add_catplot method to UpSet which adds Seaborn plots of set intersection data to show more than just set size or total.
  • Shading of subset matrix is continued through to totals.
  • Added a show_counts option to show counts at the ends of bar plots. (#5)
  • Defined _repr_html_ so that an UpSet object will render in Jupyter notebooks. (#36)
  • Fix a bug where an error was raised if an input set was empty.